I came twice in one night because i cant sleep and my thoughts were all sexy stuff... And now I'm here.
And i gave a wal-mart employee a quick hug because he was being a big help with this old woman who couldn't push her cart in her wheel chair and the scooter cart was already taken. I hope that guy gets promoted.
My friend thought I smelled odd. I ran out of Olay and had to use my dad's Old Spice as body wash.
She recognized it immediately however, and whistled the jingle.
She also quoted the double sun commercial when a cloud rolled in and we were by the ice cream shop with the sun logo on it.
Comparing the driving record of my parents to my Girlfriend since coming to Florida, gave me a laugh ^_^ My parents have gotten lost 10/15 times we've gone out in comparison to my Girlfriend who's driven 3 times and not gotten lost yet.