Played Portal 2 co-op with an (I think) underaged russian girl who had her mic on full and there were random noises coming trough. Didn't speak english ofcourse, just to make things harder.
Okay, I played a bit but she was TERRIBLE at it.
Only got trough first course and a bit of the second, and by then I was pulling my hair.
I'll never play that game with a random person again.
Found out one of my friends is changing fandoms like people change their underwear, and it's kind of irritating to see her get 100% obsessed with a fandom purely for one ship, then drop it entirely in favor of another fandom entirely, also purely for one ship.
There are 40+ bikers at my house and they brought their chicks and they all keep asking me where the beds areand are trying to take my room. Does my house look like a damn hotel? gtfo.