It's 2:30 am, I'm doing goddamn homework for a bunch of classes that I find especially stupid, and I got punched in the mouth and now I have cuts inside my mouth from it and it fucking hurts. also, I did the same goddamn thing last night too.
I was playing Pokemon Rescue Team: Mystery dungeon for 3 hours straight. At one point, I got whited out by some random pokemon, so I have to return to the last saving point. The problem though is that the saving mechanism does not work in this game, that instead you have to save it manually using shift + f(insert numbers here). Of course, I didn't do that because I thought the game was saving my progress all the while whenever I completed my mission. Now I have to go through all that grinding again. GLORIOUS!!
I was helping a patient at my workplace to collect samples.
We were having a nice friendly chat until she asked what my background was because of my accent. I said, mostly Welsh. I, in turn, asked hers too and she said Emirati and that she's from Dubai.
Then finally, she asked my name. When I said what my name was, she said "I don't like it. It sounds to English." I just smirked after she said that.
While I was up town with a friend my gut and eventually my rectum suddenly decided to let me know that I needed to go for a shit, and fast. I had to use a public toilet.
I've been woken up by the sound of the blender, and I was scared to death. Also, I'll never know the reason a few people quoted me in a thread before it got deleted.
Stagnation lifted pretty quick, but now I'm stuck because I fucked up and crossed off a Gold Skulltula when I shouldn't have. Now I'm stuck at 99 and I don't know where to start looking for the last one.