One side of my earphones died the other day. But that's not all - last night I tied them up neatly to avoid them getting tangled by the tanglefairies in my pocket as I took my laptop upstairs with the monitor in tow. When I took them out of my pocket, I discover that the good earpiece had somehow been ripped off.
I checked my weight again for the first time in a while today. I knew I was overweight but I'm getting dangerously close to my original weight. I've almost gained all of it back so I'm really depressed. I was planning on waiting until Christmas was over before I started to work out again yet because of this I should start right now.
I've only had 4 hours' sleep but the heating's been on while I was asleep and now it's too hot in my room to continue sleeping. It was the heat that woke me up in the first place.
Also, we've been getting very hard water as of late. When I clean the kettle with white vinegar (it dissolves the chalk that's built up), it's chalked up again within 2 days and I keep noticing bits of chalk floating in my tea.
Think I might need to put a request in for a water filter.