I'm so drunk I just mSSAGEDD some one I haven;t talked to in years oh mty fuck i'm so afraid of the out come, yet Ilong to be freidns with them agian
My mother decided to come and whine at me and my ex about everything because we smoke weed. And then afterwards she sent me text messages about how she's worried about me because I smoke weed and how she wants me to stop.
So, some day my "one insignificant thing I dislike about today" will be something like "had to explain to my mother that weed isnt dangerous even tho its illegal and how it doesnt ruin my life, and actually it has helped me alot to overcome difficulties and how it helps me relax and how it helps me to think a little bit more positively. Aaaand how its not really THAT expensive, and going to a bar to drink every weekend is actually more expensive than smoking weed on weekends" and stuff like that. And that she has actually seen me high maaaaany times but she hasnt noticed it, because it doesnt change me like she thinks :>