

Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$...... why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self? i do it all the time. u dont need to hide it. were all friends …
[ Locked ] Request threads are not allowed Request threads of any form asking for help finding unlicensed/pirated content are not allowed anywhere on our forums: …


Happy Valentine's Day! This Valentine's Day we have a special gift for everyone... we've brought back FAKKU Dating! Find love among your fellow perverts …
Golden Girl webcomic Hello everybody. Normally I'm only involved in futanari fetish content, but I was able to manage the project below. Hopefully you enjoy it! …
I Feel Stupid hello! to start out with, i’m new. very glad i could join this site (now being able to afford it with two fuckin jobs..) but i’m dense. so, i was wondering how you upvote/downvote comments. bein
[ Poll ] Favorite Hentai Mangakas? Who are some of your favorite hentai mangakas? Meaning artists who make great doujinshi, not just have great art. For example, I love Ishikei's art but I find the doujinshi r…
Simple Dark Theme for Fakku (Last Update: 01.02.2018) I had some freetime and got the idea to create a dark theme. 0 risks cause I created it in pure CSS! Pre…
Not exactly new but... I'm not actually "new" to the site, I've been here for around three years or so? It's been a while since I've said anything doujin-wise because of my low budget (what…
What was the first Fakku loli hentai title? Only two loli hentai existed in like 2012-13 I think, It was one with the goth loli from boku wa tomodachi wa and some other one that was kinky. Back in like 2012 or 13, there was th…
[Android] Manga Blitz Fakku Plugin Supports Fakku plus other websites. …
need help remembering title Hey guys, I remember coming across this manga title on fakku a while back but I've been struggling to remember what it was called. It takes place in olden day Japan and the MC …
Commission artists that contribute to Fakku? Hey all, my knowledge of the commissioned work from Japanese artists that create hentai doujins is basically non-existent. I've commissioned my fair share of singular pieces of work from random …
What happen to Akinosora final chapter? I waited for so long since Comic X-Eros 60 was came out. But weirdly in previous chapters were published and distributed very fast as Magazine came out but the final chapter, I still waiting for month…
Theme Songs Any got any links for theme song remixes from any type of tv show that you happen to like? …
"Read Random Chapter" Button! Good Afternoon! Random question to a FAKKUioners out here. There's a button called the "Read Random Chapter" on the main site, to which Mister Guest has used for the first tim…
Would it be worth it to do this? So I have been told by stranger to download and start using Discord as its "the new way gamers communicate with each other". Personally, I don't see why, I am not into team based games, and I don't ha…
Bear Festival's... Festivities? Yo! I'm Bear Festival. Aspiring artist, I focus on ecchi / hentai, and I'm working into making my own figurines as well. Maybe some 2D animations some time, as I really wanna do a Samus blowjob one. C…
My 18+ arts from games (like League of Legends) Hello. I wanna show u my stuff :> Put some comment below :) Most art is from league of Legends game :) http://xanas111.deviantart.com/gallery/ I also want draw …
Help! Do you know where this is from? Can someone help me to find the source of this picture? I'm sure I've seen this before, but can't remember the artist. …
Any chance of more Yaoi? Hallo, I wanted to know if there will be a chance of us getting more Yaoi based mangas in the future? Would be a nice switch-up. As there is quite literally only 1 Yaoi manga that is for s…
Anyone know who this is or where she is from? Anyone know who she is or where she is from I can not read the Japanese …
[ Poll ] Starting to get miffed at the expense I don't know if I am alone in this but the fact that some content is behind a money wall is a little ridiculous. Would you pay for a subscription service, lets say Netflix buy then have to pay extra f…