Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$......
why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self?
i do it all the time.
u dont need to hide it.
were all friends …
Happy Valentine's Day! This Valentine's Day we have a special gift for everyone... we've brought back FAKKU Dating!
Find love among your fellow perverts …
Golden Girl webcomic Hello everybody.
Normally I'm only involved in futanari fetish content, but I was able to manage the project below.
Hopefully you enjoy it!
I Feel Stupid hello!
to start out with, i’m new. very glad i could join this site (now being able to afford it with two fuckin jobs..) but i’m dense. so, i was wondering how you upvote/downvote comments. bein
[ Poll ] Favorite Hentai Mangakas? Who are some of your favorite hentai mangakas?
Meaning artists who make great doujinshi, not just have great art.
For example, I love Ishikei's art but I find the doujinshi r…
Simple Dark Theme for Fakku (Last Update: 01.02.2018)
I had some freetime and got the idea to create a dark theme.
0 risks cause I created it in pure CSS!
Not exactly new but... I'm not actually "new" to the site, I've been here for around three years or so? It's been a while since I've said anything doujin-wise because of my low budget (what…
What was the first Fakku loli hentai title? Only two loli hentai existed in like 2012-13 I think,
It was one with the goth loli from boku wa tomodachi wa and some other one that was kinky.
Back in like 2012 or 13, there was th…
need help remembering title Hey guys,
I remember coming across this manga title on fakku a while back but I've been struggling to remember what it was called.
It takes place in olden day Japan and the MC …
Commission artists that contribute to Fakku? Hey all, my knowledge of the commissioned work from Japanese artists that create hentai doujins is basically non-existent.
I've commissioned my fair share of singular pieces of work from random …
What happen to Akinosora final chapter? I waited for so long since Comic X-Eros 60 was came out. But weirdly in previous chapters were published and distributed very fast as Magazine came out but the final chapter, I still waiting for month…
"Read Random Chapter" Button! Good Afternoon!
Random question to a FAKKUioners out here.
There's a button called the "Read Random Chapter" on the main site, to which Mister Guest has used for the first tim…
Would it be worth it to do this? So I have been told by stranger to download and start using Discord as its "the new way gamers communicate with each other". Personally, I don't see why, I am not into team based games, and I don't ha…
Bear Festival's... Festivities? Yo! I'm Bear Festival. Aspiring artist, I focus on ecchi / hentai, and I'm working into making my own figurines as well. Maybe some 2D animations some time, as I really wanna do a Samus blowjob one. C…
My 18+ arts from games (like League of Legends) Hello.
I wanna show u my stuff :> Put some comment below :)
Most art is from league of Legends game :)
I also want draw …
Help! Do you know where this is from? Can someone help me to find the source of this picture?
I'm sure I've seen this before, but can't remember the artist.
Any chance of more Yaoi? Hallo, I wanted to know if there will be a chance of us getting more Yaoi based mangas in the future? Would be a nice switch-up.
As there is quite literally only 1 Yaoi manga that is for s…
[ Poll ] Starting to get miffed at the expense I don't know if I am alone in this but the fact that some content is behind a money wall is a little ridiculous. Would you pay for a subscription service, lets say Netflix buy then have to pay extra f…