Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$......
why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self?
i do it all the time.
u dont need to hide it.
were all friends …
New Femdom Discord Server Hey guys, my friend made a hentai Discord server dedicated to femdom stuff. He's feeling really down that no one is in it. So it'd be awesome to have some people here.
You know, only if yo…
FAKKU 11 Year Anniversary Today marks 11 years since FAKKU launched from my small college dorm room in Massachusetts. We've gone from a small scanlation website to the largest English hentai publisher in the world. Since we we…
Introducing Fakku to a significant other So I've been dating this girl for nearly two months now and we've shared a lot of our media interests with each other. She likes to surf the internet on my phone because mines newer and doesn't suffer…
Tracking for this H manga Pic A Idiot Friend of mine are always post without some source around,with that i need someone help identify which source of this pic?
The p…
Help Find Hentai Manga I uses to use Fakku a long time ago, and there was this one hentai I wanted to read for old times sake. It was had an incest tag but also an gif or animated tag. If you read through it, towards the mi…
Love to meet people and have friends but... ...I am a rather shy individual who suffers from anxiety mostly through having to initiate conversation. If I am spoken too I am fine, but I don't know why, I start fearing rejection and ridicule and …
Back from the abyss Start [Hello, everyone. I am AT9; an old member from a Fakku era long forgotten. I thought I would return and chill. Not sure if anyone remembers me, or if the ones that do still come around here. I h…
Cant remember name of a comic It was about some resort or hotel where I think if you were a VIP or had to be to go there you can fuck any woman anytime. Was full color and art wasnt exactly your average type. Any ideas would be ap…
[ Poll ] Others being able to see what you get off to? What do you think about others being able to see what you get off to?
I Know you can set it to hidden, But im more curious of others thoughts.
The other day while adding things to my fav l…
Do mangas ever get removed? Trying to find one I read before Hey, I've been trying to track down a manga that I found and really loved reading about 1-2 years back I think. The general storyline of it went something like this:
Genres: femdom, teach…
What did you eat today? Just thought that a topic regarding this in Food and Cooking should be active.
Feel free to post a picture of the food or meals you had for the day!!
Today, I had my local Mcdonalds…
Urination in vagina name? I don't know why I like this but I do and I've always wondered if their was a specific name for it.
I know there's watersports but isn't that like peeing on people lmao I don't like that j…
Looking for a commision translater Hello people, I haven't been on this site for a LONG time now, and I'm looking for a translator. I use to have a friend who did this stuff for me with commissions, but they've moved on.
If you c…