Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$......
why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self?
i do it all the time.
u dont need to hide it.
were all friends …
My dream is to be a game...anything!. Yes Basiclly my dream is to work on videogames anything really, scripting to animating. Trust me its HARD to do anything to do with deving games.
Because I suck at art Here you go. My entry. I really suck at art, but I also really want to express this idea I have got here.
If you want to use my idea and work on it, please do. All credits shall go to y…
My great idea... Ok so my idea was to take the part of this picture of them laying in bed and use it as the background. With them off to the side. On the left side is the fakku logo and under it say's, "Yeah...It's ju…
Shazam! Showing off my totally rad MS Paint skills. Because I'm too poor for Photoshop and too lazy to look for anything better (let alone learn how to use it). Yay!
Oh, and flavor…
Hellish torture So last night I dealt with no internet no matter what I tried I was lucky to get 30 seconds up time. The today I dealt with no electricity. The reason being the remnants of Ike are/were moving into my…
Not an artist but wth here is mine I know the solid black background is uninspired. If I get motivated later I might rework it, but it was fun to try anyway.
Version 2: