Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$......
why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self?
i do it all the time.
u dont need to hide it.
were all friends …
Whats the worst thing youu have done? For me the worst thing I have done would be cutting the balls off of this 30 year old guy that raped my 13 year old sister i was so mad I could not help my self I think he learned his listen well that…
I'm Nikon, ask me anything. Hello and welcome to the Awesome Pictures Section!!!!
this is about posting any cool pictures you find or make
i collect lots so i made this section so people could find cool backgrounds,s…
cool site for zip code info
I found this really interesting, although the info is all 7 years old which kinda sucks. Also, I think this is US only, sorry to all our overseas fakkers.
all look same? Here's a kinda funny site I found a few years ago, didn't remember it until now. It's a site with quizzes to see if you can tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. I'll post my scor…
Obligatory Share-Your-Desktop Thread! Yes, I am aware there was a thread similar to this created a while back. However, if you're like me, you probably change yours often. Try to resize them or keep them in linkable thumbnails, please =O…
would any one like to make a rock band ?? ill play bass or drums even if u dont live close to me u can still make music an e mail stuff back and forth and then i could add them all up to make one song well if not its ok just thought it would…
[ Poll ] Hentai spoilers? Has anyone here ever had something spoiled to them through hentai of all things? As an example, I didn't know about Buu until I saw a picture of him tentacle raping Sailor Moon. About a week after see…
[ Poll ] WHAT?!? No more ice cream?!?! Somebody was givin out free ice cream. the kind that's chocolate. and the person in front of me got the last one. i hate mondays... Thursdays are awesome
[ Poll ] What are your view on ciggarettes? Tell me...I myself am a smoker, and have been for about 12 years now. I hate the living shit out of them, and am against underage smoking (slightly hypocritical on it though...i was an underage smoker…