WhiteLion wrote...
gibbous wrote...
I never buy music from the big four, no matter how much I like that band in question. You sign with a major (or any other label that's an official member of the RIAA/IFPI), you're out. Self-distributed bands/true indie labels are fair game though.
I can't say I expected that of you. Do you feel that working with such labels detracts from the quality of the product, or is there some other reasoning behind that?
Personally, I'm with Aud1o. I'm willing to pay for good music(or at least music that I find good) regardless of the label/source. EMI signed Emmanual Pahud, who is my favorite flutist, so I buy their stuff fairly often. Call me unenlightened, but I've never seen the light as far as the all independent playlists and the revelation that everyone signed to a major label blows. I suppose it's a matter of taste though.
One, I boycott the majors because I consider them a death-deserving cancer encroaching on our society as a whole. They have become a terrible, corrupting influence on the civil society in general, what with them
purchasing legislation (and I am not even exaggerating; SonyBMG's legal department
wrote the net censorship legislation in a European country). Their very existence is a thorn in my side.
Two, they treat their artists badly. Hilariously so; except for the groomed top-shots, they treat them like proverbial shit. My money will not be supporting that practice any longer, either.
The other reasons I'll spare you, because I don't want to go on an "I'm so fucking old and before the war everything was better" rant here.
I used to purchase quite some music from the top-quality classical labels (Orfeo Blau, Wergo, Auvidis, L'Astrée), but the IFPI's continuedly mafia-like behaviour has at long last driven me away.
I'm not generally unwilling to pay for music though. When Jennifer Lane [McGegan's favoured mezzo-soprano] signed with magnatune for her
Airs de Cour disc, I bought that on the spot. Why?
a) they're an independent label, which takes only a tiny fraction of the price for its own upkeep and profit; the entire rest of the sum going
directly to the artist.
b) they don't criminalize and hound their potential customers, but instead lure them with attractive offers (DRM-free FLAC download; free to share with 3 others on an 'honour'-based system; you decide the price you're willing to pay - I voluntarily paid
thrice the suggested sum).
c) She's an artist I want to support.
d) Magnatune, being an independent distribution platform is a business model I want to support.