Ok, so I've been bored lately. Now, many of you know that a bored Nouta is very dangerous, but I've actually been keeping out of trouble. I've been tooling around with photoshop and coloring in manga pages or recoloring various things for people. Here's a little sample:
The World Only God Knows -- Before:
The World Only God Knows -- After:
My girlfriend wanted me to edit it in order for it to look like our RP characters. Since Keima already looks like Elywood, (my character) it was just a matter of making Miyo look like Tsukie. (her character)
ElyTsu Hentai -- Before:
ElyTsu Hentai -- After:
Another edit requested by my girlfriend in order for it to look like our RP characters. The only changes are that I tried to make the girl's hair blond and I changed her eye color. It looked fine as a .psd, but I forgot to compensate for the color changes when saving as a .jpeg, so it doesn't look much different from the original.
I'm taking requests for colorings or recolorings, because I really need to practice.