Maybe a tad early, but what are you guys doing over the Christmas holidays? Or even any big gifts, proposals etc you've got planned?
Personally, I'm taking a mini-vacation in the days prior, then spending time with my family; will probably just stay in on Christmas Day. Quiet Christmas before a big New Year party, methinks.
Business as usual, that's the plan. Maybe bake some awesome cookies. Legendary cookies, if possible. ...maybe find some way to get out of my work christmas party. Really don't want to be there.
Nothing much. I buy all my presents early and play/use them right away so Christmas day is usually pretty lack luster for me. I often treat it like every other day with the exception of eating a good Christmas dinner that usually consists of ham and deviled eggs.
gonna spend my money on gundam models till my wallet feels light! and then on the next few days or weeks, i'm gonna completely build all of 'em and KA-POW! i have more gundams added to my collection!
I had a great idea earlier today. Every year, I go to my grandma's house and its only me, my mom, my grandma, and my uncle... since the rest of my family are a bunch of douchebags that don't give a shit about anything other than money. Anyway, out of respect, due to the drug problems my brother had before he died and the fact that I've only been able to drink, legally, for about a year, I've never actually been drunk in front of any member of my family except for my mom, without attempting to hide it. So, for Christmas this year, I figured I should just get completely trashed beforehand and make no attempt to hide it. My grandma is like 80, maybe a couple years older, and my uncle is wound so tight I don't think an ant could crawl up his ass without being crushed. It just seems like the proper thing to do, but that all depends if I don't run out of alcohol before Christmas.
hang out with friends maybe go to the movies or the mall, watch anime and play games, gotta sign up for my spring college classes, thats pretty much it