Zeph=3 wrote...
LostQuartet wrote...
I'm debating on whether or not to post pics.. I'm afraid someone I know will be on here and recognize me. Lol.
unn... but you should be proud of that fact! ^_^ plus, if they know you in real life, then they should accept that you're on a hentai site >:3
Hahaha. If only you knew me in real life. My closest friends know that I have a problem with letting people know what I like if it's not generally accepted by most people. The quote "Those that mind, don't matter and those that matter, don't mind" does not apply to me. I unfortunately care what people think of me. I was teased in sixth-seventh grade about liking anime and such so from 8th grade on I promised myself that I would become popular, liked, and not let anyone but my closest friends know the true geek that I am. :] I'm proud of who I am, but I wish other people were more accepting.