venveng wrote...
shotgunorg wrote...
Kadushy wrote...
shotgunorg wrote...

Find the geekiest guy in that picture and that would be me. (To all Xavierians, you should know where in the campus was this taken)
note: I look much better with longer hair.
The one all the way in the left with half face showing? J/K
No, I'm the guy in the Green Jacket.. don't I look geeky?
Now aren't you looking underage. I say your only 13 or 15. Make sure you delete your history before shutting off m'kay? Oh I hope you won't get banned.
Doesn't look like 13 or 15. That's how Asians are man. I see some Asians that looks like 16 year olds but in reality, they are like 22.
Oh yeah, how is he supposed to delete his post when its around a couple pages when he can't delete your post either.