EDIT: So yeah, deleted and re-post since I forgot pictures from my phone come out huge, had to resize upload and post again so yeah.
So yeah, since so many people around here I talk to seem to be interested, I finally decided to post up some pics, waited till now since I could finally shave again since no shave November is finally over.
Soooo let the disappointment begin lol
After month of no shaving(maybe extra 3 days)
Different shot, same thing. Since apparently my facial hair likes to grow like a tard. + camera is lacking both SD card and cable, so it's from my phone, all pics are.
And no I don't just have sweet goatee growing skills. I had it before.
Aaaaand after shaving, two shots like before for the hell of it.
So yeah now that the shy dude's posted this crap, I'ma go hide under a rock, enjoy~