Morrison Remick Waite wrote...
Aki-chan wrote...
Morrison Remick Waite wrote...
we all know the reason girls post pictures like that is because of daddy issues anyways.
Oh yes, its always about daddy issues.
Not for artistic purposes or anything of that sort oh noooooo.
I understand having to give yourself justification and pretending it's for "artistic" purposes. Can I ask you what kinda lighting you went with and why you used said lighting? Also what is the size of the aperture your camera lens has? How fast is the iris of your camera?
Would you really like me ask the photographer? Because it was from a photoshoot with a legit camera and lighting.
This is exactly why I took it down, though.
Because of assholes who can't keep their heads out of their asses.
The photo didn't even have any sort of appointed sexuality to it, but because I happen to be pantsless someone has to assume that it is because I have a troubled past. Seriously, stfu.