Merriment approves this doctor business. Also Shogun is scary, but I envy all that muscle, I NEED BODY MASS. Chlor looking pretty as always and laggi's beard looks better every time I see it.
Bored nao. Did finals on Finnish today, explained 4 pages about narcissism. Thought I could continue with the theme and post pictures of myself. Should do physics, finals on it next week. MEH. Such a purdy weather outside, YEAH YOU WALK ALL HAPPY AND CHEERFUL OUT THERE IN THE FRESH AIR YOU DOG WALKERS, excuse me while I rot inside, next to my Physica 9 - recapitulation.
I give you: the magical transformation from HC weeaboo to a regular girl who tries to hide she's a HC weeaboo.
Belt from mantis kung fu, wohow \o/ [size=10]if someone hadn't heard me advertise it yet[/h] got a hoodie too just the other day:
And even more spam! Go check my
art thread you useless weeaboos<3