gizgal wrote...
Typholsion wrote...
gizgal wrote...
Typholsion wrote...
Here's me, do you guys know that if you eyes are blue there actually black?
Anyway if you say i look like Beiber i will hunt you and do bad stuff *points at screen*.
You don't look like Beiber, but you sure as heck look like either underage or a short bro. D:
I just turned 19 and im 6'1 bro, im not that short.
Consider me in error, then! My bad.
Nah it's not your fault dude. People tell me i have a baby face all the time, i just need to wait for my know if i ever get one. And im short compared to my dad at least, he's like 6'7, i think the average height for a male is what 5'10?