Damoz wrote...
Also i cannot even describe how hard the above sentence was to type. kept hitting the space bar on habit~
Kittie i doubt you could look bad (caking makeup and maiming excluded), ive seen pictures of you~
I mean.. seriously, I already thought you had the most adorable, squeeze-able personalities here, but now that I know you're actually quite dashing...
.... I'm going to have to avoid you know. x_x
It really does look like creeping autism. I scrunch up my mouth to keep from smiling, and occasionally wince just to counteract the completely involuntary dumbass smile. I have latin coloring, so a blush is really hard to notice [unless I'm just... completely and totally humiliated or embarrassed], so my telltale reaction is that retarded grin. It also lasts for a while, usually 20 minutes minimum.