Hey, the 'Show Your Desktop' topic motivated me to start using this funny little application but the following problem has occurred.
I've installed the program itself and also included my preferred skin. Looking nice! But my questions are as followed:
1# How do you make it tell you what music track you are listening right now and more of those text balloons. All it gives me is '
Today is <date>. You've worked for <this>. Be careful heading home'. Pretty nice, but a little more than that would be pleasant.
2# There's a little bar beneath where you are supposed to manage your tracklist if I'm correct...
I'd like to know how to make your tracklist (Itunes, in my case) compatible with the Rainmeter. Linked together with my first question, making it also indicate the current song in the text balloon thingy.
I already tried the configs, but it only gives me the choice to select the current skin.
Any other tips are welcome as well. But just the answers to my questions is enough.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm new to this stuff.