Macross F (Macross Frontier) is the latest chapter from the Macross series that continues the saga of space exploration, transformable mecha, and the challenges they face when they encounter an alien race. One of the more memorable characters is the adorable Ranka Lee (Lanka Lee), who lost her memory when an attack by the Vajra killed 1000 people, including her biological family and now transfers to Mihoshi Academy to start her career as an Idol. This petite quarter zentradei female now crawls into your home with this spicy Cinderella version from Mega House's Excellent Model Series. This is a 1/8th scale model with uber kawaii Ranka in a waitress uniform. It measures 20 cm (approximately 8 inches) with a replaceable face plate and arms to allow for different poses. As a special treat, the uniform can be cast-off to reveal her dressed in her underwear for a spicier version to this figure.
Hawt figure of Ranka Lee is hawt. Set to come out in May. WANT!