i went to wikipedia and found some interesting stuff XD
Semen as an anti-depressant
Research has demonstrated that semen may have anti-depressant properties. In studies, women who did not use the condoms but instead absorbed semen vaginally (as was the norm among humans before the HIV scare) sustained a better mood. Research has not yet demonstrated whether this effect may also be obtained from drinking semen following oral sex, but researchers hypothesize similar benefits.
Sacred semen
In some pre-industrial societies, semen and other body fluids were revered because they were believed to be magical. Blood is an example of such a fluid, but semen was also widely believed to be of supernatural origin and effect and was, as a result, considered holy or sacred.
Semen in espionage
When the British Secret Intelligence Service (SSB) discovered that semen made a good invisible ink, Sir George Mansfield Smith-Cumming noted of his agents that "Every man carries his own stylo".