lollollol12 wrote...

i love you
ShadowWorld wrote...
The guy that made this law is out of his mind, how the hell did he link small breasts with CP? That is the bigest load of bullshit I've ever heard. If that was true then about half the humanrace would be peodphiles because not everyone likes huge ass breasts. A women is a women no matter what her breast size, looking a porn of women with small breasts isn't pedophilea. Therefore I hope this law in Australia is revoked at once and the person that proposed it be removed from office on the grounds of mental incompitence.
Why do i think that the same ass hat who made M+ movies banned from aus is behind this. Let me explain, This ass hat decided one day to discretely slip in a bill that bans M+ rated movies from video stores/rentals or at least you'll have to 'hide' it from kids. So, if you want to watch a 'mature' movie you'll have to go in a special sealed off room where its placed, much like a place in the video rental store where you want to watch porn. But the thing is, its not porn. I mean, think of a good M rated movie. How the hell would anyone consider it as child porn?! Or how the hell are kids gonna be exposed to child porn?!
I think the bill got removed since it was too stupid. But i havent been to a video place for a long time, so i wouldn't really know.
I wonder if anyone remembers me saying i'll join a jihadi training camp from my old country when this happens. Because it just happened in front of my doorstep.
Cloud Lionheart wrote...
Someone tell me when korea decides to nuke Australia and japan launches all gundam fleets on same country... I dun wanna miss that huge tragedy
Please don't nuke us. Some of us aren't white brain-dead douche-bags. Some of us only wish to make life a bit easier. And some of us don't like Pencil-thin sluts with humongous plastic breasts with zero brain cells, either.
To all flat-chest fetishism in Australia, I pity you all...
Keep your pity, i'd rather have lolis.