ashcrimson wrote...
I think Ramsus, or someone, said it somewhere that at times its just like a show for entertainment - for the amusement of themselves and other members.
I did just recently say that yes. Don't think I'm the first either. my thread breeding or something? Recently I've already seen a thread that was practically a clone of it and now this. j/k
We've also had topics like this show up before. In the end they don't really do anything because people are either 1) Not serious in their hatred of others or 2) are way too damn serious about it for something like this to work. Wrengear I don't fault you for thinking that some drama was too dramatastic but really most things like that here are drama for the sake of drama.
Tegumi wrote...
I always maintain
an attitude of unjustified superiority. Those who cannot only reinforce my opinion that they are lesser people.
Edit: Btw I hate you all. Especially
you! (But especially Kenjugs for using that beaten to death "joke")
Edit 2: Burned as a witch? Do we have any wiccans here? I know there are a few uber-christian type people around. If this happens someone should remind me to bring marshmallows.