Tegumi wrote...
jenslyn wrote...
I can not count the number of times windows suddenly decided that I had to format.
I was thinking it was a Windows issue too, but notice how it's not detecting that his USB drive has any space at all.
As far as I know, then a RAW file system can be anything, so I interpreted it as windows can't read the file system information. If it cannot read the file system then it cannot read the size of the drive.
Of cause this theory is based entirely on windows sucking as much as it always has done, as it of cause could be a legitimate problem with the drive, but just trying to put the drive in a Linux machine to see if it can be read probably won't hurt or be too much trouble.
Nachbar wrote...
Blank_Zai wrote...
Well the only thing that has been newly introduced was my Bro's iPod Touch. But I seriously doubt that would be the cause of this sudden corruption of my USB. But man with computers you never know...
I think this is how it happened:
Your bro got an iPod Touch and wanted to plug it in to the computer and put music on it. But he notices your USB stick in the only slot so he pulls it out and replaces it with his iPod cable. My guess is that he didn't click that tray icon to safely remove the device first causing it to short out and wipe the stick clean. I learned the hard way because a few ports on my computer are permanently fried because of this. So if I were you, I'd safely remove the USB stick before you leave the computer unattended next time. As for the USB stick itself, I think there is nothing you can do because its flash memory and probably got wiped clean from the short. You can try a professional service but I don't think your going to get anything off of it. Also, like Spectre257 said, have a copy of the files on your harddrive in case something like this happens and only use the flash drive if you are transferring files from one computer to the next.
First, replace your motherboard if that is really true, the following will assume a normal working motherboard.
What you are saying is incorrect, there is a limit on the current in a USB port which would prevent what you say from being possible!
If you take the drive out without pressing safely remove all you risk is that windows has not yet written the data to the drive because it tries to do write operations intelligently. This would of cause lead to you loosing the data that windows had not yet written to the drive, but that is ALL that should be able to happen!
anything else happening and you better get rid of that motherboard as fast as you possible can.