DoomDog619 wrote...
GinIchimaru_09 wrote...
HentaiElder wrote...
I never hated him. Same for Sakura. I don't get why people hate the two, when nobody gives any good reasons as to why. No offense.
Apparently becasue hes gay
softbanker wrote...
I too never hated Sasuke but I do hate his gay friend Naruto.
But look at the poll saskue's the gay one.
The reason why most people hate sasuke is because he is a treader and a dumb ass it is almost like he used steroids when he went to orochmaru, and he does much more dumb ass things but i do not feel like putting more. As for sakura she is just am mean bitch to naruto for a long time and does not no shit ever.You r wright naruto does have a Gay fascination with sasuke but i think it is like he is missing his brother kind of.
Pretty much everything you said, but Naruto isn't gay its just that Sasuke was the only person who could understand him and the fact that they both grew up without any family. Plus he was Naruto's only friend till everyone else started to befriend him. And Sakura is a bitch, first she treats Naruto like shit all the time and then she fucking begs him to bring Sasuke back. All she does is think about herself it was only later that she started to change and care about others.