spaxxor wrote...
my senior prank
*disclaimer* I went to an all boys boarding school in high school in the middle of ohio, and all men on campus, not even an old scragly woman (that worked there at least) up side is every weekend was a trip to an all girls school *sigh of relief*
the freshmen my senior year all slept like rocks...... trust me I know, I helped my entire senior class (a whopping 15 people) take off the doors to the freshman door, and literally plant them in the quad... we made a massive 7th column (as in halo) symbol in the quad, we then did it to the rest the next day, since there was significantly less of the juniors and sophomores.... we made a giant penis out of their doors.
the hilarity of it all is the headmaster just about died laughing
Now thats just fucking EPIC!!