I only checked up on the one thread listed at pururin... and not even they had an answer.
So, I ask, what the hell happened to doujinland(.com), and why am I only left with hentaigasm to browse on?
I know to some it might not be a big deal... but doujinland was the only site I could actually read porn while on my 3DS. Any other site just doesn't load because Nintendo did such a lame-ass job making their browser supportive.
Now, you're probably wondering why I don't just use my phone.
Well, that point it moot as I don't have a phone plan that includes web. (don't ask)
"Well, why don't you just use your PC/Mac?"
While I in fact spend the majority of my time reading/watching porn on my PC, I often get the urge to wank off once I'm in bed—ergo, the only option for me then would be to use my portable 3DS.
I don't have any other devices that I can use.
All that aside, I'm just wondering why the site went down.
Is it even down? Why haven't we heard anything?