Eranox wrote...
0:07 smushi a ten e o n sas or what
0:28 ....what the fuck was that high voice ?
0:42 - 0:48 was so fucked man
0:07 - rozhlédni [é=ee] se kolem nás [á=aa] - look around us
0:28 - that high voice? guess it was a girl (or a guy with his dick slashed by freakingly huge hammer) calling "šamanů" [shamanuu] - means shaman king in this context
0:42 - 0:48 yeah. extremely fucked
as I told ya, Czech anime dubbing terribly sucks. sometimes I wonder if they even tried to read the original script. and if childern's work is legal. :?
btw. where are you from that it sounds like shmushi atlemongras ?