ezrah wrote...
Came back to fakku after a bit of a hiatus. Holy shit this site sucks. It's filled with horrible western mangas filled with shit titles, and horrible dialogue, and everything is behind a paywall now.
Needed to edit this because all of the art is fuck awful too. Goddamn it's ugly and unimaginative, like baby's first manga
I mean that was done in 2014. But I find it humorous that you're complaints are not very interesting. I wonder if you have any type of subscription to Netflix Hulu Amazon Prime for buying games and contents constantly but complain about something that gives you I think 15,000 chapters of content for the price of a large pizza a month. congrats you're complaining about paying for something that's equivalent of two Starbuck lattes. A serious first world problem. And I don't even subscribe to the magazine content no more but it's so cheap if I still want to read I can easily
Galder wrote...
it's been like 5 to 7 years since they dropped unlicensed content, so your hiatus is kinda more than "a bit."
and what sucks on this site are the numerous unaddressed technical problems, not the content. i'm not a fan of almost all of their western manga either, but there are just a few overall anyway, so you can simply ignore them.
Pretty much 99.999% of the content is japanese content.