@crazy old man-your advice is sound, but asking someone just up and switch to Linux is unrealistic. Linux user become Linux users over time. When you are familiar with one brand of OS you must ignore all that you know when switching to Linux. While it has gotten better over the years for the non-technical audience, it still has some short comings in that area. Users can definatly learn to use it over time, and those that do usually find it rewarding, due to the awesome security and functionality that Linux offers. Overall, Linux kicks, but the standard user cannot 'just switch.'
@Justin777-I know that holding in the power button is not popular, and to be honest, I sometimes cringe, depending on the situation, when I have to hold my power button in to force a shutdown. However, it remains something that has to be done in certain instances, and this seems like a situation that might call for it. In the five years that I have working on machines, I have forced shutdowns more times than I could possibly count. Hundreds of times I'm sure. Be that several dozen machines, but the point remains.
Finally, @-wbacyc-Your advice is completly sound. Everything I was going to say for the past several problems posted here, you had already said. [AT9 gives you rep]Therefore, I am no longer needed here. Everyone that has listened to my advice in the past should instead follow this man, as I won't be seen in this section that much anymore. He's got my approval, if that means anything...
...well, I've gotta move like a herd of turtles. I hope your problems get solved, but following the advice listed here, while time consuming, should resolve your issues. [AT9]