@cooperboy321: Thank Ye! The last photos was a Project Shot (did, of mine own) The Makeup was mine Fiancé black eyeshadow. Took meh about an hour to get it the way was et still don't think looks all that well, for how the pictures came out. Oh! Well. Mewhs!
@Skyler998: Well, been doing Project Shots with myself et others since was younger (non sure on exacts) Recently, got back into doing them. Tried being personal with mine love to do some, buh as you can see he tends to ... make blurry or out of frame pictures. He has an eye, buh takes him a few times before he gets one that ish most beautiful. Which, ish okies.. Love his artèssse nevertheless. Buh, nice to get back to mine artèsse. Thank Ye, Mewhs!