KG989 wrote...
catfish wrote...
A friend stopped talking to me because he found out that I listen to Death Metal and that Im an Atheist.
He called me a "Devil Boy" or some shit, but Id have to be Christian to believe in that Devil. Just because Im Atheist doesnt mean I only believe in the Devil, I dont believe in either of them.... ~_~
Idiots these days... :roll:
What? does that even make rational sense. Did he know you were an atheist before he called you that? But I guess alot of Christians seem to hate things like science and logical debate so guess to him it made perfect sense. ><
Yeah I told him about it at the same time. He just asked me one day "What music do you listen to?"
"Oh I really like Death Metal, especially Nile."
"O_O Are you some devil worshiper?"
"No, Im Atheist, I dont believe in that...."
"Dude, youre fucking evil, get away from me."
That is the EXACT conversation.
:| seriously... wtf.