Okay, here's a weird topic... does anyone else get more easily aroused when they're sleepy or tired?
Like a lot of guys, I often use masturbation as a sort of sleep-aid (that orgasms make men sleepy is nothing new and
there's all sorts of science-y explanations as to why this happens), so it's no surprise that i'm sleepy
after a good jerk-session, but why is my dick so eager when my brain is telling me it's time for sleep? Add to the fact that I rarely fap during the day, except sometimes right after I wake up (when I'm still a bit groggy/sleepy to begin with). It doesn't matter if I'm particularly in the mood, it's simply easier for me to get aroused while drowsy vs. wide-awake... I even experience similar effects if I'm feeling tired during the day (such as after not getting enough sleep the night before, etc.)
Is there a hormonal or physiological reason why I'm popping boners when I'm drowsy, or have I simply trained my brain to associate bedtime with sexy-time due to years of night-fapping?
(I sort of wish I had asked this
when Carrie_ was doing a sex-education stream, but taking months-long breaks from the forums can cause one to miss-out on these sorts of things)