Anyone on here happen to have a slingbox? If you dont know what it is, it is a box that you connect to your tv and it streams tv to your computer or phone over the internet. Ya, so basically, i got a jailbroken iphone and want to watch tv from it. I dont have a slingbox and am too lazy to by one. Bychance, is there anyone here who owns a slingbox? and maybe be so kind to let me use the id from your slingbox to watch tv from my iphone. Yup, I know what you are all thinking " If you have enough money to buy an iphone, go out and get a slingbox" One of the reasons i dont own one is i know i wouldnt use it very much, but I would like to watch tv on my iphone for time to time.
I'm also betting some of you wont trust me. I am just some random person asking to use what is yours. I am not very active on the site, and likewise, not known. If i was a memmber who contributed more to the site, some here my might trust me more.
To be honest, I am taking a shot. Maybe there is someone kind enough and trusting.
Also, if you are kind enough to let me use it, I promise not to let anyone else use the id. I know promises dont got that far on the internet, but still.