Misaki_Chi wrote...
I mean you've already stated the most important things which include working on yourself, having self worth/confidence in yourself, don't lie.
The things you can do to make your next relationship successful is to keep these things in mind with potential girls.
1. Take things slow. You don't have to instantly date or hook up with a girl just because you two have chemistry. I'm not saying to put the breaks on fully, just if you find a girl you are attracted to and she feels the same, start out slow and see where it goes. When you go too fast with someone you may miss the red flags or there may be things that you dislike that you could have seen if you had done things differently. Hang out when you can and don't sweat if you can't be together all the time. Show you are interesting by paying for a dinner/lunch or if you don't have cash just enjoy chilling when you can. Have sex be something that happens later when you find you are really connecting with someone.
2. Show you are interested in a girl. If you are interested or like someone don't be shy about it; make eye contact, complement them, exchange numbers and just see how things go from there. Don't take it personally if the girl doesn't respond to your interest, you can't force someone to like you and if they don't then they are not right for you. You just have to try your best and if you get shot down then hey at least you tried. Body language and eye contact will say a lot about a person so just gauge things step by step and don't overthink it, again if she's into you she'll let you know and if she isn't she'll let you know too. If you can't tell then just communicate.
3. Get out there and talk with people. Just talk to anyone and everyone and eventually yo will find people to click with and who knows, the people you meet may know others who will introduce you to people or potential ladies. Basically if you want to meet people you have to put yourself out there.
4. Be patient. Love doesn't happen in a day, a week, a month, or even a year. Believe me you and everyone else in the world wants love and anyone who says otherwise is a liar lol. So realize that you are not alone and that it just takes time to find someone special. In the meantime as you mentioned already work on yourself and enjoy life until you do find that special someone; life doesn't end just because you are alone; it's fun to have someone to share life with but when you can't you try to find friends and look to appreciate your time you have to yourself. Sounds kind of lame I know, but you have to find a way to not let negativity/pessimism fill your life; you have to fight.
5. Last thing is to just take care of yourself. If you keep up with yourself and make yourself happy then you find you'll be able to do more for others. Basically the happiness of yours will be the happiness of others. Just think to yourself that you want to strive to be the best you that you can be since your partner should want nothing less for yourself if they are the one.
All I can really think to add and don't give up. Once you give up hope then you won't find someone. It's okay to take a break or just not want to think about a relationship if you don't feel good (we all have bad periods), but once you say you'll never find love you'll find you will make it that much harder for yourself.
Thanks for all your advice, I learned a lot. I'll keep these things in the front of my mind when meeting people who I could have things in common with, or interests that we share.