jspren wrote...
Could you back up your claim that Aspartame is poisonous? In the body it breaks down into several things, like aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol, and formaldehyde. Now before you go off on formaldehyde, it is the basic building block for many organic compounds, and is found in your body in small levels anyway. aspartic acid is an amino acid, and its conjugate base is a neurotransmitter, and once again, this is consumed in small amounts. Phenylalanine can cause issues in those with PKU (wiki it), but to most of us, it isn't a problem. Now the methanol can become an issue, but it is unproven as to whether or not this can cause serious side effects.
As for splenda, it's just a enantiomer of sugar, that has been chlorinated, and the Cl is bound to the sugar, so it isn't going to go off and kill you.
I'd love to hear a response, not trying to start a flame :lol:
By the way, I'm a Chemistry major, so this is very interesting to me.
You're almost right on what you said. Aspartame, the 1-methyl ester of the dipeptide aspartyl phenylalanine, is broken down in the body by hydrolysis of the peptide and ester bonds to aspartate, phenylalanine, and methanol. Now, aspartate and phenylalanine are both common amino acids, and deficiency in either one will cause problems (although, as jspren said, individuals with phenylketonuria should avoid consuming it), but unless you're a vegetarian/vegan, normally you don't need to worry about this.
As for methanol, this compound is well known for being extremely toxic; in fact, small amounts of it are used to denature ethanol that is to be sold for non-beverage use. Methanol is oxidised in the body to methanal, or what is commonly known as formaldehyde. A very toxic substance, formaldehyde was used to preserve insects to be mounted, and even a relatively low concentration of it in the body can cause blindness and death (it mainly targets the eyes). However, as jspren said, formaldehyde is common as an intermediate in many biological pathways, and is usually present in your body anyway in concentrations your body is more than able to handle. However, if you insist, you could still try to avoid aspartame if you want. I personally dislike that bitter aftertaste anyway.
Splenda, or sucralose, is not an enantiomer of sugar, but a sugar derivative, with three chlorines substituted in place of hydroxyl groups (two in the furanose fructose ring and one in the pyranose glucose ring). It was discovered by accident, but it is probably, according to what we know atm, the safest artificial sweetener. Apart from aspartame, cyclamate and saccharin were popular, but both were suspected of being carcinogens, resulting in a ban in cyclamate and a requirement to place warnings on products if saccharin is used.
Sucralose is metabolised in your body, and contains slightly more energy per gram than sucrose itself, but is about 600 times sweeter than sucrose. Now, the use of carbohydrates in the body is large and diverse, and I can never hope to cover even most of it here. However, let's just say this; even if the chlorine is released, it will be in the anionic form, which is harmless. Even if it's released as a free radical through UV light or something (for those of you who don't know, free radicals are bad), your body has many layers of defense, such as the tocopherols (vitamin E).
In short, stop worrying so much and just enjoy life.