how can you post it here if you said you forgot the name? -__-
and LOL how could you forget that song! it's one of The Offspring's most awesome songs, i always sing that song back in 4th grade it's stuck in my head until now xD
I would usually send a PM telling you people that your thread has been moved or locked, but since said function isn't working at the moment, I shall post a reply in the thread.
Getting back on topic, there are quite a number of songs in which I remember their chorus. Unfortunately, the remaining lyrics as well as their titles have slipped my mind.
This can drive you crazy when it happens to you. I remember, one morning I woke up with just the hint of a certain song stuck in the back of my head. I know that I had heard it years and years ago, but with just a fragment of the melody to go on, there was little I could do to search for it.
Took me an entire month of guessing and asking others before I finally broke down and posted on a random music bulletin board with a vague description of what I remember from the music video. That finally got me a response, man that was a pain in the ass... Here it is, if anyone's wondering...
I would always sing this song while I drink, but I never knew what the name of the song was, and also what the rest of the lyrics were. :P
"bye-bye, miss american pie."
Drove my chevy to the levee,
But the levee was dry.
Them good old boys were drinkin� whiskey and rye
And singin�, "this�ll be the day that I die.
"this�ll be the day that I die."
For some reason around a week ago me and some friends was on our way home from an late out night when suddenly one of my friends who obviously wasn't that clear in the head at that moment started to sing,
And suddenly everyone there, me included started to sing along to this song. I didn't know which song it was but for some reason I allmost knew the entire lyrics, and when we lost ourselves we continued by making up with our own words.
Now a week later I finaly found out which song it was by randomly jumping between songs on youtube; Ballad of a Mutt by Bruce Dickinson. Which pretty much explained why everyone knew it so well since we're all big Maiden fans.
Before I meet my baby. There was a whole lot going on
Ye, before I meet my baby. There was a whole lot going on
I used to wag my tail as every corner, never hesitate to give that bitch a bone.