Lamz0r wrote...
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
I wonder if most of you who say "I would hit a man, but not a woman" would really hit a man.
I'm afraid there's a huge typo there. It should go "I would hit ON a man, but not ON a woman."
Lol'd at both those quotes.
Anyway I hold doors open for everyone. Recently, however, I noticed that I tend to hold doors differently based on gender. For females I tend to stand to the side of the door and hold it open (completely out of their way and allowing a perfect entrance). For men, however, I'm partly inside already and just hold the door outwardly/inwardly for them so that they can enter/exit.
I guess I do this because if I held a door open for a guy the same way I do a female, I'd feel like a bitch and he'd probably assume I was soft. So yeah, formally for females and informally for males. . .
I'm. . . I'm a white knight. . . aren't I. . . ?
Brb. Gonna go weep.