In middle school my nick-name was "Afro-American." yes, I didn have a a lot of fluff on my head that looked a bit like an afro, but I'm white, which is why I think of it as a stupid nickname.
Also because of my hair, and a bit from my intellect, I was called Einstein a lot.
"Weiner," because my last name is Werner
"Commie [insert expletive]," because I'm a communist.
Totte (the most used one I think), Tottelini, Raptorfeet, Ethil (by at least one person IRL), Katten (means The Cat in swedish... omg, I wanted to kill them)... Nowdays most people use my real name though. We shan't forget names like emo, fag and nerd either.
People called me command and conquer because my initals were CNC. I don't get why of all things I would be called command and conquer, but it was a name that mostly guys would sometimes call me in high school when they wanted to tease me a little.
Some of the weird nicknames I've had are as follows.
Mr. 12
Na-chan (Excell Saga joke due to a medical condition I have)
Sugoi man (Given to me by some elementary school kids in Japan due to my ability to do shots and nice suit)
G-dogg (The last two were from my years as a radio personality)
Harrison from Accounting
Wise man (courtesy of Hoshi)
Tex (Friend called me that whenever I played arcade light gun shooters)
Having 2 onii-chans,and being chubby as a child, I always got nicknames like My little pigga,yoko (yokozuna),Little Fatty.. But only my brothers called me that.
Some girls call me boss, and there's a guy who always calls me sempai. Besides that, they just use my real name.