Two weeks ago, I went to a small party with a friend of mine. The guy hosting the party was an old friend from high school that I hadn't talked to in a long time. In the time that we didn't talk to each other, he made new friends who had interests similar to his own, as we all do. One of his interests was apparently tattoos. He had them all over his body. Of course, his friends did, too.
There were six other people at the party, besides my bud and me, and five of them were covered in tattoos. Well, not
covered. It's not like every square inch of their bodies were inked. But they all had tattoos on their arms and chests (often, one big tattoo that stretched from one arm, onto the chest, and onto the other arm), their legs, and even their feet.
I've never liked tattoos. I don't dislike them. I just don't get them. What's the point? Why the hell would you have a tattoo on the top of your foot? Who the hell's going to look at it? And how the hell is having a weird tribal sign or a Japanese character that you don't know or a string of roses up your arm expressing yourself?
The people at this party had all sorts of tattoos, but none of them really meant anything. They were just shit on their skin, colored in. The only tattoo I remember is the Superman sign that one of the guys had on his upper arm (he was the only one with tattoos that you couldn't see unless he was naked). Everything else was pretty much abstract shit that reminded me of what I would draw in class when I was bored. Lines going every which way that didn't make anything.
I don't hate people with tattoos. I even like some tattoos. A friend of mine has the kanji 天 on his arm, not because he thinks kanji is cool or trendy, but because that's what Akuma (from Street Fighter) has on his back. I get that. But it just doesn't make sense to me how people will get silly tattoos all over their bodies for the sake of getting tattoos. What's the fucking point?
I doubt I'll ever get a tattoo, but if I do, it's going to mean something. It might not be deep, but I'll be able to point at it and say, "This means something to me." Not "It looks cool, doesn't it?" or "It means -whatever-, according to the guy at the tattoo parlor."
In case anyone cares, this is what I'd get as a tattoo (though in red or black ink):