As you may or may not have heard, recently some tennessee school teachers took thier 6 grade class on a field trip. While on this field trip, the teachers decided they would perform a emergency drill with the kids. The best part? they did NOT tell the kids it was a drill, in fact they did the exact opposite. One of the teachers ran into the room where the children were staying and reportedly said "Evereyone get under the tables now, there is a man with a gun outside.Hurry this is not a drill, hurry under the desk." Several children where in tears at this point. To top it off some thunder cunt teacher put on a hooded over shirt and procceded to bang on the doors.
When I heard this story I went numb.What kind of monsters would do this to children? Hell I'm 19 and this would scare the shit out of me, much less a 12 year old. No telling what this did to those kids state of mind.
Even better is that this might not have been a drill at all. The teacher is known to pull big pranks at the end of the year on his students. The whole drill story might have been used to cover his ass, and that makes me hate him that much more.