stormraven767 wrote...
i kinda actually agree to the UN's opinion
yes, its sometimes very kinky reading/watching these rape stuff but
sometimes i just begin to imagine the people i care about actually going through this.
its my conscience i suppose.
and when that little cricket on my shoulder acts up,
i kinda feel bad.
anyways this is JUST my opimion and i dont represent anyone else.
My idea: DON'T BUY IT!
"Alternative" sexual practice has been going on since the dawn of time, "morality" and "conservatism" survives by turning the other cheek. Now that it's accessible, persecuting it will only continue to breed sexual repression, and unhealthy behaviour (rape, pedophilia, etc.)
They're fucking with some serious shit, forcing the most pornographic country in the world (with the lowest violent and sexual crime rates) to make these radical changes.
.....went on tangents there.... Anyway;
UN:If you're not into it, don't be into it. Get some thicker skin, and let people who are "different" alone.
Feminazi:FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!!!!! Do we need to watch Jay & Silent Bob again?
Guy feeling personally attacked: It's not your family, I feel like shit for sexual trauma survivors, but these are outlets that let potential perpetrators play out safely.