Made an automated Cobblestone Generator on Minecraft.
By Automated, I mean I added a Redstone Clock which powers a Piston, which pushes the Cobblestone blocks which spawn from Flowing lava meeting Flowing water.
To be smrt, I added an On/Off switch; basically just a Sticky Piston pushing a block to block the circuit. Added a button to jump-start the Redstone Clock should it ever run out of juice.
Building the thing took longer than it should have done because I made the entire structure out of Obsidian. Creeper-proof and Griefer-resistant. That required multiple trips to The End.
Later today I'll also ask to be signed off of Jobseeker's Allowance since I have a job now. I'm under 16 hours (at least, for now) so I can choose to stay on if I want to. I made the mistake of saying I did the last time I went in because mo' moneez, but I was referred to the Work Programme anyway. A few weeks after I get made to go in Fortnightly, I'm back in weekly "to check up on my hours". Signing off will mean less money, but the hassle they intend to put me through for an extra 10-30 quid a week on top of my salary for the hours I've worked is really not worth it.
I'd best bullshit my jobsearches for the week anyways, got to make it look like I've made some effort.