g-money wrote...
I think it'll take awhile for the USB 3.0 to catch on, least not within the next couple of years. The normal user doesn't need speeds of that range for normal usage, and even if we're dumping video files and other whatnot, USB 2.0 is fine unless you're doing stuff in a hurry (for what I dunno) or you're doing something illegal/bad and the cops/parents will bust you, which is highly unlikely.
While you have some valid points, the fact remains that most users would find the ability to transfer files [practically] instantly [with small files] quite attractive. Also, as a power user, I often find myself transfering massive amounts of data [from 5 GB to upwards of 100GB at a time] via USB. Lots of users have dozens of movies on their drives, and many times they back them up on other drives, rather than burning them. I myself copy files from one harddrive to another [somewhat] frequently. HDD's are flawed and imperfect devices that fail after a period of time, resulting in a massive loss of data. In the dawn of this new age, with files getting bigger and bigger [a single high-def copy of a House episode runs well over 1GB] the amount of data users store on their HDD's gets more and more massive. I think version 3 will help open the door to the future of data transfer [hope that didn't sound too cheesy]. While many users might not do a lot of advanced things and upgrade often, the ability to transfer twenty gigs of data in five minutes sounds appealing. While I do think you are correct in the statement that 3 will take a while to catch, I only believe it will take six months after its' mainstream release to catch fire to the markets' ass. Enough time for the word to spread and stick. But, these are only my opinions and predictions; much like yours. You had very good points and I will +rep you tomorrow for allowing me to engage in such great discussion. Thanks.