Waar wrote...
Ramsus wrote...
omnicide wrote...
Waar wrote...
omnicide wrote...
Waar wrote...
thats the same as just giving up.
Fine then if you insist. YES, YES IT IS IN THE CROTCH REGION!! I'LL GO RUB MY JUNK ALL OVER THE FURNITURE! There, happy now? *turns around and grumbles*
was that your funny retort? or do I simply win?
I really don't care. Take it how you want, but if you wanna take it as a victory just know I will NEVER aknoledge it. HA!
I think you just did.
game, set, match?
Geez Ramsus, if you were hanging on any tighter to Waar's dick you'd be his nutsack.
@Waar: Don't care, you've only won in your own mind. *disappears into the shadows ominously*