I stopped reading after the first paragraph, if you can consider a "paragraph" in this OMGAWOHEGHWOE-fucking long essay, which I don't agree with either.
I actually liked it...well i didnt really but it made me think a lot on how this could be what happened
Cmon, Pokémon isn't deep at all. Pokémon is about catching and learning about Pokémon. It's not about it's characters. That's why they change every season (except for Ash, but he's always the same nonetheless).
In before Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is actually just completely made-up inside Frankie's head.
You have blown my mind.
I like how out of nowhere Ash is suddenly gay with no real reason or rationale. This was seriously long, I tried, I really did, but I only got 2/3s through it, at best.
I'm sorry I didn't bother reading all of it. So did like the Pokemon series finally end and it turns out it was all a dream or did this guy make all this up? I'm confused.
The accident with the bike put Ash in a coma. Days later he was found and was hurried to the hospital and treated with heavy medications. The medication took effect and stabilized his coma dreams, instead of being terrifying, they became idyllic, and he's able to live out his Pokémon master fantasies.
I assume this is the summarization of the "wall-o'-text"... it's called "topic sentences"...
Quite intimidating to read... I appreciate the thought and effort but you could've made it easier for us. No indents and topics are sometimes stacked on one paragraph. I suggest you slice and dice this first before posting it again. I lost my will to continue reading in the beginning of the second paragraph *if that is a paragraph, I could barely tell due to the lack of spaces*.