Waar wrote...
hermitVI wrote...
Waar wrote...
meh, he has nothing to fear if he is worried about his actions and being banned.. Jacob is a softy on moderation (some of us [myself included] would see a ban if he wasn't) and I don't think there's a rule against stupidity... (again some of us [not me this time] would see a ban if there was).
I was referring to this:
read through it (it should provide you some laughs)
can't believe I missed all of that good stuff; people need to direct me to drama in pm's from now on.
that's why you should often visit the other places in the forums. not all the fun stuff can be found at Random and IB. (oh and I do visit IRC from time to time, unfortunately, I always miss the chance to get a hold of the ever "elusive" Jacob) :roll: