Yeah, I wasn't really going for super angry, but I guess I can elaborate on the scourge of my life, that is, the wave of never ending /b/tards.
I guess this all goes back to just a generally annoying site, bugging me when I don't want it to. If I go on /b/, I expect shit like gore, racist jokes, sexism, etc, but when I'm playing a game with friends, posting on myspace (lol, fagspace amirite), or other shit, I don't want all that faggotry. Take for instance a while back, I was playing WoW (Yeah, gay, I know), when a couple of guys join my guild, and start spouting "long cat is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong", "frosted butts", and related shit. I naturally get pissed at them, and tell them to "keep that shit where it belongs". This ensites more and more spam, and eventually I get tired of it and log of. Yeah, I got trolled hard enough to cause me to log off. That's ridiculous, and that's just because I knew that shit. I can only imagine how the people who hadn't been exposed to shit like that earlier must've felt. I guess I'm just saying that some stuff should stay where it belongs.
This brings me to my second, and probably more important, cause of rage. WHY THE FUCK IS THERE AN LOLCATS BOOK IN MY FUCKING BOOKSTORE?! Never before in my life had I felt so much hatred as I did in the moment I saw that. Some /b/tard actually made a fucking book of caturday memes. I'll be the first to admit that some of those images can be funny. But now, every other faggot at my school can be heard saying "can i haz cheezburger?" and other cat related sayings. The urge to snap their necks is pretty great, but hell, I might just be and elitist bastard.