ok i want to know what yall think about the new transformers movie thats coming out pretty soon when i saw the first little 1 minute teaser trailer my eyes bleed but now i see the new trailers and it got me really curious about the movie. Now personaly im a transfan i was pretty much raised on transformer. And after what hollywood has done with some movies i might not want to go and see my childhood butchered, im not bitching about it i mean id love to see the movie but after what i what the transformers looked like i pretty much cryed(not really). Megatron doesnt look like mega tron at all and he doesnt have the original voise actor, star scream doesnt look like himself ethier im not sure if they got the original voise actor or not, and now we come to optimus prime they have his original voise actor and he is a 18 wheeler when he transformer but the originality stop the HE HAS FLAMES x he is not supposed to have flames on him thats rodamis that has flames grrrrr. eh sorry it just bugs me sigh i saw we fanboys march on holywood and stop them from making anymore mistakes and let the fanboys takeover, i know it will never happen but hey it was a idea. ok ok ill shut up now i just want to know yalls opinion on the movie.